pretty good
it's well made and everything, but some of the questions about zombies aren't really that easy to answer since there are many different zombie movies and if there was ever was a time where zombies suddenly came to be, you wouldn't really know what type of zombie they would be.
you have "zombies do not run, nor do they scream", but there are many zombie movies where the zombies run and scream. It would also be safer to expect a zombie to be able to run at you instead of think you could easily just get away without running then suddenly get rushed by them.
another questions is about whether or not corpses can be brought back to life by zombie bites and this has been different with different movies.
You say that grenades are not useful against zombies, but the grenade could easily slow down a large group of zombies and help you escape, so even if it isn't the most useful weapon, it would still come in handy to have one to use.
you also have there is no best answer on the height question, but someone who is very short would have problems climbing up high which could be vital for getting away from zombies. There aren't many places where being short could be an advantage.